Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

The Rise of Nintendo

The beloved video game company, Nintendo, has established itself in the households of many, by producing some of the most popular games in history. But what many may not know is that the Company's history dates back over 130 years. From Hanafuda cards to the Switch console, today we take a look at the history of Nintendo.

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Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

Howard Hughes: How a Tortured Genius Built a Business Empire

Before Howard Hughes was a genius, innovator, and entrepreneur, who was he?

How was this enigma of a man forged and made into an independent adult at 19?

The story of Howard Hughes is as turbulent as his many business ventures and eccentric habits.

What is the meaning behind the Hughes name? What did he contribute to aviation and film?

This and more on this episode of Good Company.

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Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

The Rise of Coca-Cola

Few logos or brands are as universal around the world as Coca-Cola. But before reaching world domination, shaping culture, and spreading sugar and joy around the world, Coca-Cola was a pseudo-medicine. Come join us this week, as we talk about the rise of Coca-Cola!

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Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

The True Shepherd Family Comes Together

Relationships are the beating heart of True Shepherd. Even the leadership consists of two equal parts – one based in the US and the other rooted in Haiti. Though the organization is often separated by space, we always remain united in our purpose to establish sustainable projects that help build up the people of Haiti not just physically or financially, but spiritually as well. By sending teams from the US into Haiti, those two halves can come together – for encouragement, for accountability, and for furthering the work of God’s kingdom together.

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Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

An Interview with Pastor Antony Duclos

Pastor Antony Duclos and his wife Marietta were both born and raised in Haiti. In the early 80s, the two immigrated to the United States where they became US citizens. Over the following decades, the two worked and served in pastoral and ministerial roles both in Florida and Southern California. After nearly 30 years of service in the United States, the two felt a strong call from God to return to Haiti as fulltime missionaries. So, in 2016, they returned to their country of origin, living in the north-western region of Haiti in an area called Bouflette, and have since served as missional leaders in partnership with True Shepherd. 

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Matthew Gose Matthew Gose

The Classic School Guides and Inspires Haiti's Young, Future Leaders

One of the most vibrant projects True Shepherd supports is the Classic School, an elementary school serving approximately seventy children. While the school appears quaint, the small yellow building facilitates some of the most extraordinary transformation in the entire region of Bouflette.

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Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose

True Shepherd: Suffering Increases in Haiti

While Haiti has long suffered great challenges, the past few months and years have seen a large increase in conflict and turbulence. We believe it is vital to provide an accurate picture of the current social and political state of Haiti, not only to illustrate the immense need, but to show the resiliency of the Haitian people and the deep hunger they possess for the hope and support that True Shepherd strives to provide.

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Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose

True Shepherd: Seeds for Change - Beginning Phase Two

As the unrest in Haiti persists, travel not only to the island but even within it, remains a dangerous feat. Vulnerable communities such as those in the north western regions of Bouflette and Jean-Rabel have suffered the greatest impact as access to basic food and supplies has come to a near standstill. In response to the rising crises, True Shepherd decided to take action, implementing a program to distribute corn seeds as a way of helping these communities take advantage of the rainy season and eventually produce their own crops.

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Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose Businesses & Non-Profits Matthew Gose

True Shepherd: Seeds for Change

As summer comes to an end and NW Haiti gets its first rainfall in months, signs of hope glisten on the horizon. If these farmers were able to access seeds to plant, they would be able to take advantage of the natural rainy season which typically begins in November and goes through the spring. Our hope is to provide very literal seed capital to these farmers so that they can take full advantage of the weather in order to provide food and potential income to their families and communities.

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